Jury “Awarding Heritage”
- „Best Development of a Cultural Landscape with Relevance for Europe’s Cultural Heritage“
- “Europe’s Heritage of Gardens and Gardening“
Roswitha Arnold (Rhineland Regional Council (LVR), Vice-Chairman EGHN), Germany
Ed Bennis (Former Head of Landscape at Manchester Metropolitan University), UK
Jacob Fischer (GHB Landskabsarkitekter), Denmark
Davorin Gazvoda (Landscape Planning and Design, Ljubljana University), Slovenia
Brigitte Mang (Kulturstiftung DessauWörlitz, UNESCO site), Germany
Nuno Oliveira (Parques de Sintra – Monte da Lua, UNESCO site), Portugal
Mariachiara Pozzana (Studio Architettura e Paesaggio, ICOMOS Italy), Italy
Udo Woltering (The Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe (LWL), DGGL Working Group on Cultural Landscapes), Germany
Chair: Alan Thornley (Civitas Planning, Chairman EGHN), UK
Jury “European Garden Award”
- “Best Development of a Historic Park or Garden”
- “Innovative Concept or Design of a Contemporary Parks or Garden”
- “Large Scale Green Concepts”
Kerstin Abicht (Nurseries Lorenz von Ehren), Germany
Roswitha Arnold (Rhineland Regional Council (LVR), Vice-Chairman EGHN), Germany
Ed Bennis (Former Head of Landscape at Manchester Metropolitan University), GB
Lieneke van Campen (karres+brands, Landschapsarchitecten), Netherlands
Gunnar Ericson (Senior advisor at City of Malmö), Sweden
Stephan Lenzen (RMP Landscape Architects, BDLA), Germany
Mariachiara Pozzana (Studio Architettura e Paesaggio, ICOMOS Italy), Italy
Michael Walker (The Trentham Estate Member of National Trust Historic Environment Group and the Design Advice Forum), UK
Chair: Alan Thornley (Civitas Planning, Chairman EGHN), UK
Jens Spanjer (Schloss Dyck Foundation, Centre for Garden Art and Landscape Design, DGGL, EGHN), Germany
Christian Grüßen (Plan+, EGHN), Germany