New EGHN partners in 2020

We are happy to announce that two organisations decided to bring a garden and a garden landscape as new partners into the EGHN. The Merian Gärten (image) in Basel are the first garden to join from Switzerland. Merian Gärten won an European Garden Award (2nd Prize) in 2019, in particular for their high-class programme for…

“European Garden Award” and symposium “Europe’s heritage of gardens and gardening”

Agenda as PDF download here.. SYMPOSIUM: “EUROPE’S HERITAGE OF GARDENS & GARDENING” 6. SEPTEMBER 2019, SCHLOSS DYCK, 41363 JÜCHEN, GERMANY 09:30  Registration 10:00Welcome and Introduction – Jens Spanjer (Board, Schloss Dyck Foundation, European Garden Heritage Network) – Roswitha Arnold (Vice-Chairman EGHN, Rhineland Regional Council – LVR) 10:15The Necessity with the Beauty – New Ways of…

Workshop on Cultural Landscapes

13th May 2019, Schloss Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe Cultural landscapes:  development, appreciation and use of values Workshop of the project AWARDING HERITAGE in the program SHARING HERITAGE Cultural landscapes are creating an identity and reflect our history on the local, regional and European level. At the same time, they are subject to constant change, much…

EGHN Partners start UL2L

The project “UrbanLinks 2 Landscape” supports the Schloss Dyck Foundation, the Regional Association of the Rhineland (LVR) and partners from six countries (Sweden, Italy, Poland, Latvia, Great Britain, Germany) to work on the transition area between the city and the landscape. How can these spaces be designed to be more attractive and useable? How do…

EGHN Exhibition in St. Petersburg

Our EGHN partners in the Russian Museum / Summer Garden in St. Petersburg had the idea and the resources for an outdoor exhibition with photos of selected partner gardens of the EGHN and finalists of the European Garden Prize. After the long Russian winter, the exhibition “Heritage in Bloom” was opened on June 21st. At…

Symposium: European Cultural Landscapes

Symposium in the context of the AWARDING HERITAGE project „EUROPEAN CULTURAL LANDSCAPES“ Venue: Schloss Nordkirchen Oranienburg (Nebenschloss) Schloßstraße 59394 Nordkirchen All presentations etc. will be given in English. See PDF for additional information. AGENDA 09:30 Guided tour Castle and Park Nordkirchen 10:30 Welcome – Jens Spanjer (Board, Schloss Dyck Foundation, European Garden Heritage Network EGHN)…

Workshop: Garden Heritage in Europe

4th June 2018, Schloss Branitz / Cottbus Garden Heritage in Europe: Conservation and Development  –  International Best Practice Workshop organised by the AWARDING HERITAGE project within the European Year of Cultural Heritage – EYCH 2018 “SHARING HERITAGE” 10:00   Welcome (Representative(s) of Foundation Fürst-Pückler-Museum Park and Schloss and/or City of Cottbus) 10:15   Introduction Jens…