Gilly Drummond / Association of Gardens Trusts (UK)
European Garden Award 2012
The history of County Garden Trusts started with the Hampshire Gardens Trust in 1984 with Mrs. Drummond as founder chairman.
Today, the Association of Gardens Trusts, consists of 35 County Gardens Trusts from all over England. The Association gives them a national perspective.
As a charity, the association supports a wider audience in learning about garden heritage and designed landscapes. The Association of Gardens Trusts is engaged in conservation, planning and garden research, and encourages gardens in schools.
Key activities are: Sharing information and contacts, producing publications, acting as a focal point for joint research initiatives, for seminars and training courses and organising study visits in partnership with trusts and other organisations.
Mrs. Gilly Drummond is commissioner, chairman, council member or president in a number of garden related bodies and – the mains reason why she is with us today – she is President of the Association of Gardens Trusts.