On the occasion of the inclusion of the park of the Evenburg in Leer, a workshop with representatives of parks and gardens from the region took place on July 31st. Presentations on the activities of the EGHN (for example, in joint marketing and the development of joint projects) were the starting point for an intensive professional exchange of the 20 participants. They also discussed options for closer regional cooperation. It was agreed to continue the Initiative of the Landkreis Leer and the Zentrum für Gartenkultur at a further meeting.
Prior to the workshop, Landrat Matthias Groote had accepted the plaque as a sign of the official partnership within the EGHN. According to Landrat Groote, this partnership is proof of the good work done on and by Evenburg. He and the two members of the European Parliament, who accompanied him on his invitation, expressed their hope that the EGHN partnership will contribute to a stronger Europe-wide professional exchange and help increasing visitor numbers for Evenburg and its park.