The Steveraue (Stever floodplain) is the stretch of land linking the two small and very different Münsterland towns of Lüdinghausen and Olfen.

The outstanding sights of Lüdinghausen are Burg Lüdinghausen (Lüdinghausen Castle) with the Borgmühle (Borg mill), and Burg Vishering (Vischering Castle). In the 16th century, Burg Lüdinghausen was extended and developed into the Renaissance castle which can be seen today. Burg Vischering is the most significant and best-preserved castle in the Münsterland and has been in the continued possession of the “Droste zu Vischering” family since 1271. Both castles are near the historical town centre with its old market fountain. The river Stever is divided into three parts here in order to supply the castles and the former town fortifications with water.

Haus Sandhorst is located between the two towns, at the edge of the Steveraue. Visitors are invited to go for a walk in the extensive woods at the house.

The Dortmund-Ems Canal also links the two towns, crossing the Steveraue twice to the east of Olfen. The embankment and bridges of the “Alte Fahrt” (“Old Canal Way”) still survive today. The bridges are listed as protected architectural structures.

A large area of the Steveraue to the north of Olfen and to the east of the Füchtelner Mühle (Füchteln Mill) has been given over to nature conservation in recent years. Hardy heck cattle and Konik horses graze here, giving rise to a diverse mosaic of valuable habitats.

Stadt Lüdinghausen
Burg Vischering
Burg Lüdinghausen – 360° Panorama
Stever Aue