Symposium in the context of the AWARDING HERITAGE project
Schloss Nordkirchen
Oranienburg (Nebenschloss)
59394 Nordkirchen
All presentations etc. will be given in English.
See PDF for additional information.
09:30 Guided tour Castle and Park Nordkirchen
10:30 Welcome
– Jens Spanjer (Board, Schloss Dyck Foundation, European Garden Heritage Network EGHN)
– Alan Thornley (Chairman, European Garden Heritage Network EGHN)
10:45 European gardens, parks and landscapes – Similarities and particularities
Ed Bennis (Jury Member, European Garden Award)
11:15 Best development of a cultural landscape of European relevance
Presentations by representatives of the nominated sites/organisations
– Mihai Eminescu Trust, Romania | Caroline Fernolend (Director, Mihai Eminescu Trust)
– Biosphärenreservat Spreewald | Eugen Nowak (Head, Biosphärenreservat Spreewald)
– Lausitzer Seenland | Prof. Dr. Rolf Kuhn (Board, IBA-Studierhaus Lausitzer Seenland e.V)
– Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje | Janez Kastelic (Director, Krajinski park Ljubljansko barje)
13:15 Lunch
14:45 Cultural landscapes in the context of UNESCO-World Heritage
Dr. Roland Bernecker (Secretary General, German UNESCO-Commission)
15:30 Arrival | Slideshow of finalists 2010 – 2017
16:00 Welcome
– Klaus Werschmöller (Deputy Director, Fachhochschule für Finanzen NRW)
– Dr. Barbara Rüschoff-Parzinger (Landesrätin, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe)
– Jens Spanjer (Board, Schloss Dyck Foundation, European Garden Heritage Network EGHN)
16:20 Presentation of finalists and handing out of awards in five categories:
– Best development of a cultural landscape of European relevance
– Europe’s heritage of gardens and gardening
– Best development of a historic park or garden
– Innovative contemporary concept or design of a park or garden
– Large scale green networks or concepts
17:50 Summary
Bernhard von Ehren (CEO, Nursery Lorenz von Ehren)
by county of Coesfeld and municipality of Nordkirchen
18:00 Welcome
– Dr. Christian Schulze Pellengahr (County Councillor, County of Coesfeld)
– Dietmar Bergmann (Mayor, Municipality of Nordkirchen)
21:00 End of the event
For registration, please send a mail with your details at: