The application by Schloss Dyck Foundation for support of “Awarding Heritage” within the European Cultural Heritage Year (ECHY) 2018 was successful.
“Awarding Heritage” will allow some modifications of the European Garden Award. In addition to the existing categories, there will be a new award for the development of cultural landscapes. It will allow awarding European projects and initiatives that helped protecting or enhancing cultural landscapes or raising the public interest for landscapes.
It will be possible to organise two seminars per year to discuss these issues with international professionals and/or to inform the public about best practice examples as well as landscapes under threat.
ECHY 2018 covers up to 50% of the total costs (139.000 Euro) of this 2-years project.
A number of organisations have announced a further support, such as the Rhineland Regional Council (LVR) and the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe (LWL).