With its wealth of plants from all corners of the globe, the Jardin du Conservatoire botanique national de Brest is a place where plants threatened with extinction can be found side by side with common ornamental species on a near-natural area covering 30 hectares, the “Vallon du Stang Alar”.

This is both a relaxing place where spring blossoms and autumn foliage can be admired as well as an ideal spot for observing the various wild animals which live in this valley with its magnificent landscapes.

Visitors to the three different areas (exhibition and entrance pavilion, tropical greenhouses, garden conservatory) will learn about the fabulous diversity of the plant world, the importance of safeguarding this world and the measures undertaken by the team at the Conservatoire botanique in this regard.

A treasure trove of biodiversity from France and the world in Brest!

Founded in 1975, the Conservatoire botanique national de Brest is a public, scientific and technological institution which works towards the conservation of wild plants and the natural environment of western France as well as diversity hotspots worldwide.

It is regularly extended with the aim of preserving endangered plants outside their natural environment. Its garden, its technical areas and its seed bank are thus home to one of the largest collections of endangered plant species in the world today.

The garden was classified as a “Jardin remarquable” in 2009 and as “Jardins botaniques de France et des pays francophones” in 2013.
