13th May 2019, Schloss Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe
Cultural landscapes: development, appreciation and use of values
Workshop of the project AWARDING HERITAGE in the program SHARING HERITAGE
Cultural landscapes are creating an identity and reflect our history on the local, regional and European level. At the same time, they are subject to constant change, much more than most other cultural heritage. For environmental, urban and regional planning, for economic and tourism development, cultural landscapes are at the same time places and resources of today’s actions – often with conflicting interests.
With innovative management structures and visions, it is possible to develop and to implement consensus-ready concepts that make the sustainable development of a cultural landscape possible. This includes creating offers that invite people to learn more about the peculiarities of a cultural landscape and to enjoy them with all senses.
10:00 Welcome
Kirsten Worms (Head of the Management of the State Castles and Gardens of Hesse)
10:10 Preface
Tobias Hauck (Germans National Committee for Monument Protection)
10:20 Introduction
Jens Spanjer (Board of the Schloss Dyck Foundation, European Garden Network EGHN)
10:30 Landscape culture as a contemporary and action-oriented guideline for the development of cultural landscapes
Udo Woltering (German Society for Garden Art and Landscape Culture DGGL / LWL Heritage preservation, landscape and building culture in Westphalia)
11:00 Centre of Excellence for Cultural Landscapes: Think tank between science and practice – Using the example of the Middle Rhine Valley
Prof. Dr. Eckhard Jedicke (University Geisenheim, Institute for Landscape Planning and Nature Conservation)
11:30 Coffee break
11.45 Restored landscapes as new cultural landscapes
Prof. Davorin Gazvoda (University of Ljubljana, Department of Landscape Architecture, Chair of Landscape Planning and Design)
12.15 Discussion
Moderation of the morning:
Roswitha Arnold (Vice Chairman, European Garden Network / LVR Department Culture and Landscape Cultural Care)
12.45 Lunch break
14:00 Landscape management as a bridge between the metropolis and the rural area
Florian Etterer (TU Dresden, Institute of Landscape Architecture, Coordinator stadt PARTHE land)
14:30 Fancy going out: App lets you experience the biography of a landscape
Drs. Leo Reyrink (Maas-Schwalm-Nette Nature Park, Managing Director)
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Do cultural landscapes need offers for adventures and well-being?
Ulrich Keinath (projekt2508 GmbH, Managing Partner)
16:00 Discussion
16:20 Summary
Christian Gruessen (Plan +, Project management AWARDING HERITAGE)
16:30 End
Moderation of the afternoon:
Dr Inken Formann (Administration of the State Castles and Gardens of Hesse)
Castle and Castle Park Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe
Schloss, 61348 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe
Participation is free.
A binding registration by e-mail at feedback@eghn.org
The organizers are the Schloss Dyck Foundation, Centre for Garden Art and Landscape Design in 41363 Jüchen and the European Garden Heritage Network EGHN. In particular, the Landscape Association Rhineland and the Landscape Association Westfalen-Lippe are actively involved in the implementation.
The project will be implemented as part of the European Heritage Year 2018 SHARING HERITAGE and is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM).
Website: https://sharingheritage.de/projekte/awarding-heritage/