

Laudation by Roswitha Arnold for Tuinen Mien Ruys as PDF here!

Somewhere tucked away in the typical Dutch countryside lies this green monument of 6,2 acres that originated through the creativity and enthusiasm of garden architect Mien Ruys (1904-1999). This inheritance is now managed by the non-profit Mien Ruys Gardens Foundation.

The gardens are a sequence of thirty gardens designed and laid out according to both old and innovative ideas with a well-balanced combination of plants. New combinations of plants and garden materials are tried out. The Mien Ruys Gardens give an overview of 20th century garden architecture.

Although the gardens stand for experimenting and renovation, not everything has to change. Some of the old experimental gardens are kept in their original state with much care and attention. The very first experimental gardens where plants were tested in sun and shade remain as they were. They form the basis of a long garden history. Also, several of the gardens designed just after the war remain unchanged. These are beautiful examples of garden architecture following the principles and style of ‘functionalism’. A striking example is the sunken garden with the railway sleepers.

The Parterre Garden designed in squares with washed gravel paving stones, the Water Garden with little raised walls and the Standard Perennial borders, all add their own infinite values. The new roof garden created in 2017 is an example of the new developments that are shown here. Meanwhile, a total of nine gardens earned the status of a national monument.

The knowledge obtained from design, plantation and upkeep of the gardens is made known through publications, conducted tours, lectures, courses, and ‘theme’ days.

Photo: Stichting Tuinen Mien Ruys