Laudation by Philipp Sattler as PDF here!
The built urban area in the Rotterdam agglomeration has grown rapidly over recent decades. To improve water quality and the recreational and ecological values of the water systems, the municipality has developed the landscape park Zuidpolder Barendrecht. Around 110 hectares of agricultural land between Barendrecht and the Oude Maas river have therefore been transformed into a contemporary landscape park with (clean) water storage.
The Zuidpolder, part of a larger Blauwe Verbinding project, has three main functions: Firstly, the storage of clean water for the urban water system. Secondly, providing attractive spaces for recreational boating and for the cycling and walking route between the Zuiderpark and the Waaltje waterway. Thirdly, creating an ecological connection between green spaces in the urban area and (future) nature areas in IJsselmonde.
Together, these functions result in a convincing design for an attractive new but also somehow traditional landscape mitigating climate effects and enhancing biodiversity. Thanks to its sophisticated water system, clean water will be stored during periods of high water, so that water levels in canals in the urban area can be maintained during drier times. There is an increasing number of visitors using the landscape park for canoeing, cycling, walking, roller skating and horse-riding. Here they can escape from the dense city with its often-extreme temperatures and enjoy the animals at De Kleine Duiker petting farm and a rest at the Theehuys Polderzicht.
Finally, nature has also benefited from the development. Many farmland, water and woodland birds have found a habitat here, as well as rare plants such as the European yellow rattle and the southern marsh orchid.