Gärten der Welt

2nd Prize:Gärten der Welt (Germany) Gardens of the World offers unique opportunities to experience a range of garden styles from different eras and different parts of the world. Every culture regards the garden as a place of peace, beauty and happiness. Eleven themed gardens allow a journey around the world to Bali, Japan, China, Korea,…

Jardí Botànic

1st Prize:Jardí Botànic Barcelona (Spain) Downlaod: Laudation by Lieneke van Campen The design for the Botanical Garden won the 1st prize of the international competition in 1989 and was built from 1999, with funds from the European Union. The site in the Monjuïc Mountain has been a landfill of urban detritus. The whole concept is…

Vrtba Garden

2nd Prize:Vrtba Garden (Czech Republic) Vrtba Garden in Prague is one of several baroque gardens in the Czech capital. The garden was created in 1720 as an Italian style terraced garden by František Maximilán Kaňka. Situated on a hill, the garden is divided into several terraces, connected to each other by staircases. The lowest part…

Jardins d’Étretat

1st Prize Jardins d’Étretat (France) Download: Laudation by Roswitha Arnold Inspired by Claude Monet, the renowned La Belle Époque actress Madame Thébault decided to create her dream garden in 1903, assisted by local landscape gardener Auguste Lecanu. The main terrace of Les Jardins d’Étretat sits on the famous cliff d’Amont. Claude Monet spent many hours…


2nd PrizeChatsworth (UNited Kingdom) Chatsworth House is home to the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and has been passed down through 16 generations of the Cavendish family. The 105-acre garden is the product of nearly 500 years of careful cultivation. Although some elements have been replaced, the garden retains many early features, including the Canal…

Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire

1st Prize: Special Award of the Schloss Dyck Foundation Download: Laudation by Jens Spanjer Since its acquisition by the Centre Region in 2007, the Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire has developed rapidly, both in terms of the increase in visitor numbers and the growth in its national and international reputation. It offers a comprehensive experience and an…

Merian Gärten

2nd Prize:Merian Gärten (Switzerland) The Merian Gardens in Basel exist in their present form since 2012. They are an amalgamation of the agricultural Brüglingerhof founded in 1824, the Botanical Gardens built since 1968 and the new gardens laid out as part of the “Grün 80” horticultural exhibition. The Merian Gardens are run by the Christoph…

“European Garden Award” and symposium “Europe’s heritage of gardens and gardening”

Agenda as PDF download here.. SYMPOSIUM: “EUROPE’S HERITAGE OF GARDENS & GARDENING” 6. SEPTEMBER 2019, SCHLOSS DYCK, 41363 JÜCHEN, GERMANY 09:30  Registration 10:00Welcome and Introduction – Jens Spanjer (Board, Schloss Dyck Foundation, European Garden Heritage Network) – Roswitha Arnold (Vice-Chairman EGHN, Rhineland Regional Council – LVR) 10:15The Necessity with the Beauty – New Ways of…

Workshop on Cultural Landscapes

13th May 2019, Schloss Bad Homburg v.d. Höhe Cultural landscapes:  development, appreciation and use of values Workshop of the project AWARDING HERITAGE in the program SHARING HERITAGE Cultural landscapes are creating an identity and reflect our history on the local, regional and European level. At the same time, they are subject to constant change, much…