Lednice Castle Park

The first historical record of this locality dates from 1222. At that time there stood a Gothic fort with courtyard, which was lent by Czech King Václav I to Austrian nobleman Sigfried Sirotek in 1249.  In the 16th century it was probably Hartmann II of Liechtenstein who had the old medieval water castle torn down…

Podzámecký park Pardubice

The main aim of the project, designed by New Visit Group, was to create a contemporary urban park and to rehabilitate its relationship with the castle, while respecting the natural potential of a significant part of the site. The design is based on two major interventions. To the south-west, the wider urban context brings to…

Invitation: Crossing Borders

The European Garden Network EGHN, Stiftung Schloss Dyck and LWL-Denkmalpflege, Landschafts- und Baukultur in Westfalen cordially invite you to celebrate the 20th anniversary of EGHN together. With an event on 12 May 2023, we want to once again “cross borders” in terms of content and geography with lectures on two current topics, guided tours and…

Invitation to the event “Crossing Borders” on 12 May 2023

20 Years: European Garden Heritage Network – EGHN “Save the Date”: The Foundation Schloss Dyck and the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe LWL are using the anniversary of the EGHN as an opportunity to invite you to a joint event “Crossing Borders” in the western Münsterland on 12 May 2023. The venues will be the parks around the…